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Welcome to the Himalayan Adventures Info Website
A trek with Himalayan Adventures involves quite a bit of preparations and detailed planning to make sure you'll have a GREAT time in the Kumaon Himalayas. On this website you will find all the information you need in order to prepare for the trek.
The first thing you should do is to download the document called 'Guidelines for Groups.' This document gives you the basic information you need to start preparing for a trek with Himalayan Adventures and contains a lot of information that is relevant for your team members as well. The various sections are bookmarked to make it easy to navigate.
Another important document is called 'Additional info Team Leaders.' This document gives more in-dept information to team leaders regarding the treks, medical issues and travel. Most of this information is meant for Team Leaders as they prepare for the trip to India and may not be that relevant for other team members to read.
There are several steps you need to go through as you prepare for a trek, and in order to make it easy for you, we have made a list called Team Leader's Checklist. The check list is given below and for each point there is a link on the right side that will take you to the right document, page or form.
We encourage you to download and print a copy of the Checklist and cross out the various points as you proceed with the preparations. To download the Checklist, Guidelines and Additional Info documents, please click on the buttons below and choose the download icon in the top right corner of the pdf document.
Team Leader’s Checklist
Dear Team Leader!
Please use this checklist to make sure you cover the various details concerning a trek with Himalayan Adventures in Kumaon Himalayas. Detailed information about the various points below is found by clicking on the link found next to each point. This list is given in an approximate chronological order, so please start at the top and work your way down.
During preparation phase you have to:
Confirm dates for the trek with Himalayan Adventures
Fill in the online ‘Team name list’ form
Inform us on of arrival details, flight info etc.
Pass on the packing list to your team members
Inform the team about physical challenge of trek
Communicate to Himalayan Adventures various travel needs like:
Pick up at airport in Delhi
Booking of hotel in Delhi upon arrival + Departure
Booking of train tickets and other travel needs
Inform the team about cultural issues of going to India
Practice Hindi Survival phrases + listen to audio file
Show Himalayan Adventures info videos to your team
Initiate necessary vaccinations for your team
Clarify and prepare for issues related to allergies e.g. gluten etc.
Process travel insurance for your team
Initiate e-Tourist visa application process (visa on arrival)
Fill in online ‘Team Health History’ form
Fill in online ‘Team Passport & Visa’ form
Before departure for India you have to:
Buy additional food, sports tape, Moleskin padding for the trek
Compile and make 2 photo copies of insurance details for the team
Prepare basic team first aid kit for the travel to India
Organise payment options for travel in India + trek